Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Obsessive Compulsive

My dad's side of the family have always been packrats and sadly I inherited that trait. I can't get rid of my old stuff. It feels like I'm losin a part of myself...it's really annoying. Even if it's just a stuffed animal I can't get rid of it. I have to get my mom to get rid of it for me.
I also have to leave the t.v. on when I leave a room because I don't like to walk into a quiet room. I like to hear sound. If it's completley quiet I go crazy.
I'm extremely obsessive comulsive about my hair. Everyone knows this about me. If the wind blows I have to fix it. Every morning I have to take a shower because I think my hair looks bad. Also I hate it when ppl touch my hair.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

my advantages and disadvantages

One of my disadvantages is that I'm shy. I don't like to talk to people that I'm not very good friends with. This is always a problem because when I'm talking to these people I usually act really lame or I can't think of anything to say.

One of my advantages is that I like to look at other people's perspectives. This is an advantage because I usually know how people are feeling so I know how to act around them or I understand what they're trying to say.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Thesis Statement For Research Paper

My research topic is Hayao Myazaki. I think my thesis statement will be someting like " Hayao Myazaki is one of the greatest animated film directors of his time." I will edit it later on and add on to it. Also I don't necessarily want to base the whole paper on how he is the best animated film director, but more of a biography of his life. I am having trouble finding information on databases though. I think I am going to use google. I will have to find other sources though. I don't think I will be able to find many books, but I may be able to find at least one biography on him. I will probably have to buy it though, if I find one. If this topic is not successful, I think I will switch to Japanese Folklore.

Monday, October 16, 2006

a-z autobiography

I have never liked Artichokes. When I was little I fell down my Back stairs and Cut open my chin. I used to think Dinosaurs were awesome. I like hard boiled Eggs even though they smell horrible. I used to own 2 Frogs, but they died in the first 2 weeks I had them. I also owned a cannabalistic Goldfish that ate my other goldfish. We Had to give her away. I am a boy. My sister wanted to name me apple Juice when I was a baby. I used to think that Kangaroos wore boxing gloves. I Like dark chocolate more than Milk chocolate.

Monday, October 02, 2006


When I die I want to be cremated. After my body is cremated I want it to be placed in a golden box. Then it should be buried in Decatur and there should be a giant golden statue of me riding a panda.
I'm not really sure where our souls go when we die...I mean it's hard to imagine it going anywhere. But it's also hard to imagine that when you die nothing happens. You just don't exist anmore. I hope we go to heaven when we die. I mean that sounds alot better than just not existing anymore.